In this post we will talk about what you should be afraid of when deciding penis enlargement surgery, how much does this surgery cost, how effective is it and can you do without it?

How penis enlargement surgery is performed
There are two types of penis enlargement. The first method is with the help of implants, the second - without the use of implants.
A newer way is to use implants. On the skin of the forehead (around the phrenum) the surgeon makes a microscopic incision - only 3-4 mm. Then from this place to the base of the penis (along the cartilaginous body), it forms a tunnel. He is invested in it. After that, the suture is applied. The implant is selected strictly individually for each patient. On the day of surgery, you can already leave the hospital, and the next morning you will need to see a doctor for an examination and dressing. The suture opens after about a week and a half after such an operation, after 7-10 days of compression bandage. The pain associated with implantation is minimal and disappears completely in three to five days. Individually selected painkillers can help you deal with them. Painful urination can last up to two weeks. The penis "grows" by 3-6 cm after the operation, in addition, plastic surgeons can work on its thickness. Volume augmentation surgery can be done simultaneously with penis enlargement.
The second method is penis enlargement surgery without the use of implants. The surgeon cuts the muscles that support the upper part of the penis and sutures the back. Due to the change in the position of the penis, its length will increase to 4 centimeters. Penis enlargement surgery is performed under local anesthesia. It is also possible to thicken the penis. The surgeon will remove your fatty tissue and insert it into your penis, thereby increasing its thickness, but the result will not last long.
The cost of penis enlargement surgery
The cost of penis enlargement surgery depends on where you do it (in which country and in which clinic) and also depends on who does it (with no experienced surgeon or intern).
Is penis enlargement surgery worth it?
Everyone should answer this question for themselves, we will give the opinions of people who have had surgery or increased the size of the penis in another way. First of all, the surgery may not bring the effect you expect, ie the penis may not grow by 4 cm, as doctors promise, but by 1-2 cm. Secondly, infection is possible as with any surgical intervention. Third, in the postoperative period, you can not have sex for 4 weeks to several months (there are no such restrictions when using an extender, dietary supplements, vacuum pump, hanging or jellies). And the price is not so nice. So before you decide on penis enlargement surgery, you need to evaluate the pros and cons